IT Help. Connection between R & R Studio. Ctrl+Enter not running. Tried many steps, would love help!

Hello, I would love all the help I can get!!

From one day to the next, my RStudio does not execute commands when I press ctrl + enter. Nothing happens, and then after a few minutes out of nowhere, it runs everything at once. This makes it very hard to do my work.

I tried uninstalling and re-installing both R and Rstudio, but the error comes up again. I tested commands on my R program alone, and it works fine there. It could be the way that Rstudio connects to R.

I am on a Windows 10 computer. I work for a government agency so there may be a few firewall/virus protection issues.

I am also pioneering the use of R for our agency so I cannot turn to folks that I know. I would really appreciate the help.

Hi, welcome!

Have you tried changing to software rendering?, you can change it by holding the Ctrl key while opening RStudio, then you should see this menu and change the "Rendering Engine" to "Software".

After this initial period of slowness, is the IDE subsequently responsive? Or does that slowness continue on into the future?

Do you currently have an RStudio project open, or are you working without an active RStudio project?

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