Kable message: multiple "over-long path length"

I'm using kable to format results and it's worked fine for some time. But, recently I started seeing multiple repeated messages that I'm not sure where they're coming from. Can anyone give me some troubleshooting tips?

Here's my code:

    SomeEvent                                         %>%
      inner_join(fSomeOther, by="someID")             %>%
      summarize(nNA            = sum(as.integer(is.na(someID)), na.rm=TRUE),
                nSomeID        = as.numeric( COUNT_BIG(someID) ),
                nUniqueSomeID  = n_distinct(someID))  %>%
      kable("html", format.args=list(big.mark=","))   %>%
      kable_styling(position="left", full_width=FALSE)

These are the messages I'm seeing:

over-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path lengthover-long path length

I'm getting the expected results:

    nNA              nSomeID         nUniqueSomeID
      0        5,119,631,175            94,702,176

I only see the repeated messages if I include kable_styling.

Hi there,

I'm not sure what would be causing these messages. To help you get the right help for your question, can you please turn it into a reprex (reproducible example)? This will ensure we're all looking at the same data and code.

A guide for creating a reprex can be found here.


Thanks. I'll post a standalone, reproducible example when I get one. Not all uses of kable have the problem, so I'm trying to sort that out.

Hi there,
I have the same error message as the one posted by @efg.
I was hoping that someone fixed this issue.