Kelp Forest Monitoring Data Visualization - Shiny Contest Submission

Kelp Forest Monitoring Data Visualization

Authors: Cullen Molitor

Abstract: A tool for visualizing methods, natural history, and the long term ecological monitoring data collected by the Kelp Forest Monitoring Program at Channel Islands National Park.

Full Description: Please refer to the about section of the app for detailed information about the intent and scope of this application.

General goals of app:

  1. Provide a tool for exploratory data analysis for field biologists
  2. Provide a permanent source of institutional knowledge to a long term monitoring program
  3. Provide a tool for teachers to use in classrooms
  4. Spread awareness of the trends of the subtidal species and communities of the California Channel Islands
  5. Consolidate the various resources KFM uses into a single and interactive tool for training new field biologists and volunteers
  6. Share photos and detailed field guides of species and protocols to give a better sense of what is being monitored and how

Keywords: tidyverse, marine, ecology, biology, ecological monitoring, data visualization, education
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - cullen-molitor/Shiny_Contest_2021
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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