Knitting my rmarkdown works, but run code chunk does not.

I have some rmarkdown code that produces a plotly plot with a custom logo[1]. If you use the knit button in rstudio, it works as expected. However, if you run the code chunk, it fails with this error message.

Error: unexpected symbol in:
"mc_button <- list(
  name = "MasterCard"

I believe the error is related to the code line for the svg path mc_icon_svg_path =. It could be because it is too long, or because of the nature of the characters within? But if there is a problem, why does it work with knit?

I have all packages and rstudio up to date. I also tested on rstudio cloud with same results[2]. I've posted because there is some (tiny?) probability it is a bug. If it isn't, maybe a different/more informative error message might help someone experiencing this in the future?

title: "Custom icons in Plotly"
output: html_document

```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}

data <- data.frame(
    Time = round(runif(10), 2),
    Value = round(runif(10), 2),
    Type = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5)

gg <- ggplot(data = data) +
    theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
    geom_point(mapping = aes(x = Time, y = Value, colour = Type), size = 2)

# (1) svg path copied from svg file opened in notepad

# logo-mastercard.svg from
mc_icon_svg_path = "M29.375 16c0-1.438-0.375-2.813-1.063-4.063-0.75-1.188-1.75-2.125-2.938-2.875-1.313-0.688-2.625-1.063-4-1.063-1.813 0-3.438 0.563-4.875 1.625 1.313 1.188 2.125 2.563 2.563 4.188h-0.75c-0.375-1.375-1.125-2.688-2.313-3.75-1.188 1.063-1.938 2.375-2.313 3.75h-0.75c0.438-1.625 1.25-3 2.563-4.188-1.438-1.063-3.063-1.625-4.875-1.625-1.375 0-2.688 0.375-4 1.063-1.188 0.75-2.188 1.688-2.938 2.875-0.688 1.25-1.063 2.625-1.063 4.063s0.375 2.813 1.063 4.063c0.75 1.188 1.75 2.125 2.938 2.875 1.313 0.688 2.625 1.063 4 1.063 1.813 0 3.438-0.563 4.875-1.625-1.188-1.063-2-2.313-2.5-3.875h0.75c0.438 1.313 1.188 2.5 2.25 3.438 1.063-0.938 1.813-2.125 2.25-3.438h0.75c-0.5 1.563-1.313 2.813-2.5 3.875 1.438 1.063 3.063 1.625 4.875 1.625 1.375 0 2.688-0.375 4-1.063 1.188-0.75 2.188-1.688 2.938-2.875 0.688-1.25 1.063-2.625 1.063-4.063zM6.125 14.063h1.25l-0.625 3.875h-0.813l0.5-2.938-1.063 2.938h-0.625v-2.938l-0.5 2.938h-0.813l0.688-3.875h1.188v2.375zM9.875 15.688c0 0.188-0.063 0.375-0.063 0.563-0.063 0.313-0.125 0.625-0.188 0.875 0 0.25-0.063 0.438-0.125 0.625v0.188h-0.625v-0.375c-0.188 0.313-0.5 0.438-0.875 0.438-0.25 0-0.375-0.063-0.5-0.188-0.188-0.188-0.25-0.438-0.25-0.688 0-0.375 0.125-0.688 0.375-0.875 0.313-0.188 0.688-0.313 1.125-0.313h0.313v-0.188c0-0.188-0.188-0.25-0.563-0.25-0.188 0-0.5 0-0.813 0.125 0-0.188 0.063-0.438 0.125-0.688 0.313-0.125 0.625-0.188 0.938-0.188 0.75 0 1.125 0.313 1.125 0.938zM8.938 16.5h-0.188c-0.438 0-0.688 0.188-0.688 0.5 0 0.188 0.063 0.313 0.25 0.313s0.313-0.063 0.438-0.188c0.125-0.125 0.188-0.313 0.188-0.625zM12.188 14.813l-0.125 0.75c-0.188-0.063-0.375-0.063-0.625-0.063s-0.375 0.063-0.375 0.25c0 0.063 0 0.125 0.063 0.188l0.25 0.125c0.375 0.25 0.563 0.5 0.563 0.875 0 0.688-0.375 1.063-1.25 1.063-0.375 0-0.688-0.063-0.813-0.063 0-0.188 0.063-0.438 0.125-0.75 0.313 0.063 0.563 0.125 0.688 0.125 0.313 0 0.5-0.063 0.5-0.25 0-0.063-0.063-0.188-0.063-0.188-0.125-0.125-0.188-0.188-0.375-0.188-0.375-0.188-0.563-0.5-0.563-0.875 0-0.688 0.375-1.063 1.188-1.063 0.375 0 0.688 0 0.813 0.063zM13.438 14.813h0.375l-0.063 0.813h-0.438c0 0.188-0.063 0.375-0.063 0.563 0 0.063-0.063 0.125-0.063 0.25 0 0.188-0.063 0.25-0.125 0.313v0.25c0 0.188 0.125 0.25 0.313 0.25 0.063 0 0.125 0 0.25-0.063l-0.125 0.75c-0.125 0-0.313 0.063-0.625 0.063-0.438 0-0.625-0.25-0.625-0.688 0-0.25 0-0.563 0.125-0.875l0.313-2.063h0.813zM16.375 15.875c0 0.313 0 0.563-0.063 0.813h-1.625c0 0.188 0.063 0.375 0.125 0.438 0.125 0.125 0.313 0.188 0.563 0.188 0.313 0 0.563-0.063 0.875-0.25l-0.125 0.813c-0.188 0.063-0.5 0.125-0.875 0.125-0.875 0-1.375-0.5-1.375-1.375 0-0.625 0.125-1.063 0.438-1.375 0.25-0.313 0.563-0.5 0.938-0.5s0.688 0.125 0.875 0.313c0.188 0.188 0.25 0.438 0.25 0.813zM14.75 16h0.938v-0.188l-0.063-0.125c0-0.063-0.063-0.125-0.063-0.125-0.063 0-0.125-0.063-0.188-0.063h-0.125c-0.25 0-0.438 0.125-0.5 0.5zM18.438 14.813c-0.063 0.063-0.125 0.375-0.313 0.938-0.188-0.063-0.313 0.063-0.5 0.313-0.125 0.5-0.188 1.125-0.313 1.875h-0.875l0.063-0.188c0.188-1.25 0.313-2.25 0.438-2.938h0.813l-0.125 0.438c0.188-0.188 0.313-0.313 0.438-0.375 0.125-0.125 0.25-0.125 0.375-0.063zM21.25 14.188l-0.188 0.813c-0.25-0.125-0.5-0.188-0.688-0.188-0.375 0-0.625 0.125-0.813 0.375s-0.25 0.563-0.25 1.063c0 0.313 0.063 0.563 0.188 0.688 0.125 0.188 0.313 0.25 0.563 0.25 0.188 0 0.438-0.063 0.688-0.188l-0.125 0.875c-0.188 0.063-0.438 0.125-0.75 0.125-0.438 0-0.75-0.188-1.063-0.5-0.25-0.25-0.375-0.625-0.375-1.188 0-0.625 0.188-1.188 0.563-1.625 0.313-0.438 0.75-0.688 1.313-0.688 0.188 0 0.5 0.063 0.938 0.188zM23.625 15.688c0 0-0.063 0.125-0.063 0.25s0 0.25 0 0.313c-0.063 0.25-0.125 0.563-0.188 0.938 0 0.375-0.063 0.625-0.125 0.75h-0.625v-0.375c-0.188 0.313-0.5 0.438-0.875 0.438-0.25 0-0.375-0.063-0.5-0.188-0.188-0.188-0.25-0.438-0.25-0.688 0-0.375 0.125-0.688 0.375-0.875 0.313-0.188 0.625-0.313 1.063-0.313h0.313c0.063-0.063 0.063-0.125 0.063-0.188 0-0.188-0.188-0.25-0.5-0.25-0.25 0-0.563 0-0.875 0.125 0-0.188 0-0.438 0.125-0.688 0.375-0.125 0.625-0.188 0.938-0.188 0.75 0 1.125 0.313 1.125 0.938zM22.688 16.5h-0.188c-0.438 0-0.688 0.188-0.688 0.5 0 0.188 0.125 0.313 0.25 0.313 0.188 0 0.313-0.063 0.438-0.188s0.188-0.313 0.188-0.625zM25.625 14.813c-0.125 0.188-0.25 0.5-0.313 0.938-0.188-0.063-0.313 0.063-0.438 0.313s-0.188 0.875-0.375 1.875h-0.813l0.063-0.188c0.188-1 0.313-2 0.375-2.938h0.813c0 0.188-0.063 0.313-0.063 0.438 0.125-0.188 0.25-0.313 0.375-0.375 0.188-0.063 0.313-0.125 0.375-0.063zM27.688 14.063h0.875l-0.688 3.875h-0.75l0.063-0.313c-0.188 0.25-0.438 0.375-0.75 0.375-0.375 0-0.563-0.125-0.688-0.375-0.25-0.25-0.375-0.563-0.375-0.875 0-0.625 0.188-1.063 0.5-1.438 0.188-0.313 0.5-0.5 0.875-0.5 0.313 0 0.563 0.125 0.813 0.375zM27.375 16.125c0-0.375-0.188-0.563-0.438-0.563-0.188 0-0.375 0.063-0.5 0.313-0.063 0.125-0.125 0.375-0.125 0.75s0.125 0.563 0.375 0.563c0.188 0 0.375-0.063 0.5-0.25s0.188-0.438 0.188-0.813z"

# (2) Scale/translate works, after some trial and error

mc_button <- list(
  name = "MasterCard",
  icon = list(
    path = mc_icon_svg_path[[1]]
    ,transform = "scale(0.6 0.6) translate(-3, -2)"
  click = htmlwidgets::JS(
    "function(gd) {'', '_blank')}"

ggplotly(gg) %>%
  config(modeBarButtonsToAdd = list(mc_button)) %>%
  config(displayModeBar = TRUE) %>% 
  htmlwidgets::onRender('function(el, x) {
                         $("[data-title=\'MasterCard\'] svg path").css("fill", "#7ac143");
                         $("[data-title=\'MasterCard\'] svg").css("width","2em");

[1] Copied from stackoverflow here
[2] Rstudio cloud is a pretty cool method of cross checking odd behaviour!

Still looking for a resolution to the question. In the meantime, the workaround for is:

  1. put the line of code below between mc_icon... and mc_button... and then knit, which saves the svg path as an r data structure (.rds file).
  1. comment out that line, and comment out the mc_icon... then include the line below:
mc_icon_svg_path <- readRDS("mc_icon_svg_path.RDS")

Now you can knit or run code chunks with expected behaviour.
Reading the svg path in as some sort of text object in the first place would have been an equivalent solution I guess.

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