Lattice or GGplot2

That is a loooooooong time. Beside personal preferences and grammar idiosyncrasies of each paradigm, something else to take into account is where things are heading. With more and more people having embraced ggplot2, the number of really cool packages that build on its grammar has recently become truly huge (see


Thanks for helping me out.

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People definitely still use both packages.
You can visually see some of the differences in Tufte in R:
Tufte in R 45

Here's another post: Plotting in R: Intro to base, lattice and ggplot2 by Joseph V. Casillas
Plotting in R: Intro to base, lattice and ggplot2 17

Hey thanks for the publicity, @mara. I wrote that ages ago (mainly for myself). Hopefully somebody might have found it useful, if only for comparing the three frameworks.