Leaflet output isn't showing.

Hello, its me again. We have made this function that shows a leaflet map on a tab called "Vets near you". It works great on a separate shiny webapp however when we try implementing it on a tab, it does not work. How can we fix this? Thank you for your time.

#this is the cat chooser shiny page


# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("darkly"),
                # Application title
                  h1("Welcome to CatChooser.com!", style = "color:orange", align = 'center', img(src = "cat-paw-1.jpg", height = 50, width = 100, align = 'left'), img(src = "cat-paw-3.jpg", height = 50, width = 100, align = 'right'))
                #Sidebar panel
                #Main panel with tabs
                tabsetPanel(type = "tab", 
                            #Introduction Tab  
                                       style = "text-align: justify;",
                                       h3("Welcome to our web application, your ultimate destination for everything cat-related.", style = "color:orange"),
                                       p("Whether you're a proud cat owner, a cat enthusiast, or someone looking to learn more about these fascinating creatures, you've come to the right place."),
                                       p("Our application is designed to provide you with a comprehensive experience when it comes to cat knowledge, veterinary services, and information about different cat breeds. Whether you're seeking advice on daily care, health, nutrition, or cat behavior, our application is filled with reliable resources and informative content written by experts."),
                                       p("One of the key features of our application is the ability to find cats available for adoption. We work closely with shelters and animal protection associations to help you find the perfect feline companion for your home. We will display all local nearby vets on a map with information about them.", align = 'left'),
                                       p("We understand that your cat's health is a top priority. That's why our application also allows you to find veterinarians specialized in feline care near your location. You can explore veterinarian profiles, read customer reviews, and book appointments online, all with just a few clicks."),
                                       p("Additionally, our application offers a dedicated section on different cat breeds. Whether you're curious to discover the unique characteristics of certain breeds or want to learn more about the history and evolution of cats, our informative content will provide you with the answers you seek."),
                                       p("Join our community of cat lovers today and dive into the wonderful world of these adorable felines. Download our application and access a wealth of information, trusted veterinary resources, and an opportunity to adopt a feline companion that will brighten your life."),
                                       p("Welcome to the world of cats!")
                                     img(src = "kitten-adoption.jpg", height = 290, width = 590, align = 'left')
                            #Cat Breeds Tab 
                            tabPanel("Different Cat Breeds",
                                     h3("This is the section where we provide information about each cat breed from their look, their personalities, prices to their lifespan and much more.", style = "color:orange"),
                                     p("We will show an image of the selected cat breed, display important information about that particular cat breed including : Description of the Breed, Average Lifespan, Average Weight and Size, Average Price, What that Cat Breed is good with (Dogs, Kids, etc)."),
                                     selectInput("catbreeds", h3("Select your cat breed :"),
                                                 choices = c("         ", "Abyssinian", "American Bobtail", "American Shorthair", "Balinese", "Bengal", "Bombay", "British Shorthair", "Devon Rex", "Exotic Shorthair", "Himalayan", "Maine Coon", "Norwegian Forest", "Persian", "Ragdoll", "Savannah", "Scottish Fold", "Siamese", "Sphynx"), selected = "         "),
                            #Vets near me tab!
                            tabPanel("Vetenarians Near Me", 
                                     h3("This is where you can find local vets in your area!", style = "color:orange")),
server <- function(input, output) {

# DĂ©finir l'interface utilisateur de l'application Shiny
  ui <- fluidPage(
  # DĂ©finir le serveur de l'application Shiny
    output$map <- renderLeaflet({
      # Exemple de données de vétérinaires
      veterinaries <- data.frame(
        name = c("AMACKER Véronique", "AMBERGER Christophe, PHILIP Laurence", "BORER Luc, BORER-GERMANN Stéphanie, BRIZARD Delphine, FOELLMI Jérôme", "BOSSHART Marc-Antoine, DAYER Geneviève", "CAMPBELL Robert", "CAPOZZI Alessandro", "CARQUILLAT Delphine, LUKA Gabor", "CASELLINI Martine", "CATHENOZ Yold-Lin, CHAPUS MICHAUD Amélie, PIALAT Dahlia", "GELEHRTER Mira", "GOTTLIEBEROVA Elena, PORCHET Marie-José", "GUERNE Alain, UEBERSAX Wolfgang", "HUGI Doris", "LAMBRIGGER Nadine", "LA NAIA Vincenzo", "LAURENT Sentha", "LEGRUM Mariam, VOUILLON Tanguy", "LUKA Pia", "MAILLARD VERHAGEN Ariane", "NEAGU Andrea", "PAPADOPOULOS Konstantinos, ZOTOU Natacha", "PEREZ ROMO Federico", "RITTER Corinne", "SPYCHER Rodolphe", "TER KUILE Pierre", "TORRES Alejandro"),
        place = c("Service à domicile", "Cabinet Vétérinaire et Centre d'Imagerie", "VetSpécialistes", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Sources", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Saint-Jean", "Cabinet vétérinaire du Clos de la Fonderie", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Vésenaz", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Caroll", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Riantbosson", "Cabinet vétérinaire de la Jonction", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Chêne-Bougeries", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Tuileries", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Deux-Communes", "Cabinet Vétérinaire de Bernex", "Cabinet vétérinaire Bestiaire du Rhône", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Promenades", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Collonge-Bellerive", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Hauts de Carouge", "Veto-Psy - vétérinaire comportementaliste", "VetTravel", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Champel", "Cabinet vétérinaire de la Versoix", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Villereuse", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Frontenex", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Pontets", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Acacias"),
        rating = c(5, 3.8, 4.5, 4.5, 4.3, 4.8, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 3.4, 4.7, 4.7, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, 4.9, 4.7, 4.7, 4.3, 4.7, 4.8, 4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.1, 4.8),
        address = c("Route de Laconnex 100, 1287 Laconnex", "Rue de la Servette 96, 1202 Genève", "Rte de Ferney 194B, 1218 Grand-Saconnex", "Rue des Sources 10, 1205 Genève", "Rue de Saint-Jean 28, 1203 Genève", "Clos-de-la-Fonderie 23, 1227 Carouge", "Route d'Hermance 8, 1222 Vésenaz", "Chemin de la Caroline 18a, 1213 Petit-Lancy", "Chemin de Riantbosson 5, 1217 Meyrin", "38 Boulevard Carl-Vogt, 1205 Genève", "Rue de Chêne-Bougeries 31, 1224 Chêne-Bougeries", "Chemin des Tuileries 42, 1293 Bellevue", "Chemin des Deux-Communes 21, 1226 Thônex", "Chemin de la Distillerie 12, 1233 Bernex", "Chemin du 23-Août 4, 1205 Genève", "Boulevard des Promenades 22, 1227 Carouge", "Route d'Hermance 95, 1245 Collonge-Bellerive", "Route de Saint-Julien 19, 1227 Carouge", "Rue de la Coupe Gordon-Bennett 2, 1219 Aïre", "Coupe Gordon-Bennett 2, 1219 Le Lignon", "Rue Pedro-Meylan 1, 1208 Genève", "Rampe de la Gare 6, 1290 Versoix", "Rue de Villereuse 7, 1207 Genève", "Rue Viollier 10, 1207 Genève", "Case Postale 582, 1212 Grand-Lancy", "Rte des Acacias 18, 1227 Les Acacias"),
        latitude = c(46.1630375, 46.2133737, 46.2351041, 46.195877, 46.2043452, 46.1858175, 46.240613, 46.191012, 46.226302, 46.198451, 46.196273, 46.252776, 46.194043, 46.177563, 46.202942, 46.1820537, 46.252583, 46.1767047, 46.205218, 46.205145, 46.195716, 46.279749, 46.199889, 46.201207, 46.173957, 46.191710),
        longitude = c(6.0422094, 6.128216, 6.1223517, 6.144583, 6.1281351, 6.1458293, 6.198072, 6.108927, 6.083383, 6.134992, 6.190887, 6.143145, 6.201620, 6.077023, 6.134026, 6.1374464, 6.203052, 6.1335575, 6.103946, 6.104021, 6.163799, 6.166744, 6.158398, 6.164067, 6.123575, 6.136614),
        phone = c("079 341 47 72", "022 734 42 48", "022 708 11 33", "022 708 11 99", "022 340 27 27", "022 342 74 00", "022 752 67 67", "022 792 12 05", "022 719 10 10", "022 995 96 97", "022 349 63 33", "022 774 25 25", "022 348 58 00", "022 757 61 18", "022 320 43 43", "022 343 30 80", "022 752 34 11", "022 343 22 22", "079 154 35 79", "079 120 65 12", "022 736 00 06", "022 755 46 24", "022 736 44 00", "022 840 08 68", "022 884 18 28", "022 342 45 46"),
        website = c("non", "http://www.imavet.ch", "https://vetspecialistes.ch/", "non", "http://veto-stjean.ch", "http://www.veterinaire-carouge.com", "http://www.vetvesenaz.ch", "non", "http://www.vetriantbosson.ch", "non", "http://www.vet-chene-bougeries.ch", "non", "non", "https://vetbernex.ch/", "http://www.bestiaire.ch", "non", "https://vet-collonge-bellerive.ch/", "non", "http://www.veto-psy.ch", "http://www.vettravel.info", "https://www.vetchampel.ch/", "non", "http://www.vet-villereuse.ch", "non", "http://www.terkuile.tk", "https://www.cabinetveterinairedesacacias.com/")
      # Créer une carte centrée sur Genève
      geneva_map <- leaflet() %>%
        setView(lng = 6.1432, lat = 46.2044, zoom = 12) %>%
      # Ajouter les marqueurs de vétérinaires avec informations supplémentaires
      for (i in 1:nrow(veterinaries)) {
        name <- veterinaries$name[i]
        place <- veterinaries$place[i]
        rating <- veterinaries$rating[i]
        address <- veterinaries$address[i]
        latitude <- veterinaries$latitude[i]
        longitude <- veterinaries$longitude[i]
        phone <- veterinaries$phone[i]
        website <- veterinaries$website[i]
        popup_content <- paste0("<b>", name, "</b><br>",
                                "Avis : ", rating, "/5<br>",
                                "Lieu : ", place, "<br>",
                                "Adresse : ", address, "<br>",
                                "Téléphone : ", phone, "<br>",
                                "Site internet : ", website, "<br>")
        geneva_map <- geneva_map %>%
          addMarkers(lng = longitude, lat = latitude, popup = popup_content)
      # Afficher la carte
# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Again thank you for your time! FYI : the uiOutputs for the catbreed image and info aren't shown here because they work and arent relevant. Also pardon for the french!

It looks like two things were causing the map to fail. First, an extra parenthesis after the h3() statement closed the tabPanel() without including the map. Second, since the map was created with renderLeaflet(), the ui needs to call leafletOutput() instead of uiOutput(). These updates are included below.


# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("darkly"),
                # Application title
                  h1("Welcome to CatChooser.com!", style = "color:orange", align = 'center', img(src = "cat-paw-1.jpg", height = 50, width = 100, align = 'left'), img(src = "cat-paw-3.jpg", height = 50, width = 100, align = 'right'))
                #Sidebar panel
                #Main panel with tabs
                tabsetPanel(type = "tab", 
                            #Introduction Tab  
                                       style = "text-align: justify;",
                                       h3("Welcome to our web application, your ultimate destination for everything cat-related.", style = "color:orange"),
                                       p("Whether you're a proud cat owner, a cat enthusiast, or someone looking to learn more about these fascinating creatures, you've come to the right place."),
                                       p("Our application is designed to provide you with a comprehensive experience when it comes to cat knowledge, veterinary services, and information about different cat breeds. Whether you're seeking advice on daily care, health, nutrition, or cat behavior, our application is filled with reliable resources and informative content written by experts."),
                                       p("One of the key features of our application is the ability to find cats available for adoption. We work closely with shelters and animal protection associations to help you find the perfect feline companion for your home. We will display all local nearby vets on a map with information about them.", align = 'left'),
                                       p("We understand that your cat's health is a top priority. That's why our application also allows you to find veterinarians specialized in feline care near your location. You can explore veterinarian profiles, read customer reviews, and book appointments online, all with just a few clicks."),
                                       p("Additionally, our application offers a dedicated section on different cat breeds. Whether you're curious to discover the unique characteristics of certain breeds or want to learn more about the history and evolution of cats, our informative content will provide you with the answers you seek."),
                                       p("Join our community of cat lovers today and dive into the wonderful world of these adorable felines. Download our application and access a wealth of information, trusted veterinary resources, and an opportunity to adopt a feline companion that will brighten your life."),
                                       p("Welcome to the world of cats!")
                                     img(src = "kitten-adoption.jpg", height = 290, width = 590, align = 'left')
                            #Cat Breeds Tab 
                            tabPanel("Different Cat Breeds",
                                     h3("This is the section where we provide information about each cat breed from their look, their personalities, prices to their lifespan and much more.", style = "color:orange"),
                                     p("We will show an image of the selected cat breed, display important information about that particular cat breed including : Description of the Breed, Average Lifespan, Average Weight and Size, Average Price, What that Cat Breed is good with (Dogs, Kids, etc)."),
                                     selectInput("catbreeds", h3("Select your cat breed :"),
                                                 choices = c("         ", "Abyssinian", "American Bobtail", "American Shorthair", "Balinese", "Bengal", "Bombay", "British Shorthair", "Devon Rex", "Exotic Shorthair", "Himalayan", "Maine Coon", "Norwegian Forest", "Persian", "Ragdoll", "Savannah", "Scottish Fold", "Siamese", "Sphynx"), selected = "         "),
                            #Vets near me tab!
                            tabPanel("Vetenarians Near Me", 
                                     h3("This is where you can find local vets in your area!", style = "color:orange"),
server <- function(input, output) {
  # DĂ©finir le serveur de l'application Shiny
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    # Exemple de données de vétérinaires
    veterinaries <- data.frame(
      name = c("AMACKER Véronique", "AMBERGER Christophe, PHILIP Laurence", "BORER Luc, BORER-GERMANN Stéphanie, BRIZARD Delphine, FOELLMI Jérôme", "BOSSHART Marc-Antoine, DAYER Geneviève", "CAMPBELL Robert", "CAPOZZI Alessandro", "CARQUILLAT Delphine, LUKA Gabor", "CASELLINI Martine", "CATHENOZ Yold-Lin, CHAPUS MICHAUD Amélie, PIALAT Dahlia", "GELEHRTER Mira", "GOTTLIEBEROVA Elena, PORCHET Marie-José", "GUERNE Alain, UEBERSAX Wolfgang", "HUGI Doris", "LAMBRIGGER Nadine", "LA NAIA Vincenzo", "LAURENT Sentha", "LEGRUM Mariam, VOUILLON Tanguy", "LUKA Pia", "MAILLARD VERHAGEN Ariane", "NEAGU Andrea", "PAPADOPOULOS Konstantinos, ZOTOU Natacha", "PEREZ ROMO Federico", "RITTER Corinne", "SPYCHER Rodolphe", "TER KUILE Pierre", "TORRES Alejandro"),
      place = c("Service à domicile", "Cabinet Vétérinaire et Centre d'Imagerie", "VetSpécialistes", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Sources", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Saint-Jean", "Cabinet vétérinaire du Clos de la Fonderie", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Vésenaz", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Caroll", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Riantbosson", "Cabinet vétérinaire de la Jonction", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Chêne-Bougeries", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Tuileries", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Deux-Communes", "Cabinet Vétérinaire de Bernex", "Cabinet vétérinaire Bestiaire du Rhône", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Promenades", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Collonge-Bellerive", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Hauts de Carouge", "Veto-Psy - vétérinaire comportementaliste", "VetTravel", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Champel", "Cabinet vétérinaire de la Versoix", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Villereuse", "Cabinet vétérinaire de Frontenex", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Pontets", "Cabinet vétérinaire des Acacias"),
      rating = c(5, 3.8, 4.5, 4.5, 4.3, 4.8, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 3.4, 4.7, 4.7, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, 4.9, 4.7, 4.7, 4.3, 4.7, 4.8, 4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.1, 4.8),
      address = c("Route de Laconnex 100, 1287 Laconnex", "Rue de la Servette 96, 1202 Genève", "Rte de Ferney 194B, 1218 Grand-Saconnex", "Rue des Sources 10, 1205 Genève", "Rue de Saint-Jean 28, 1203 Genève", "Clos-de-la-Fonderie 23, 1227 Carouge", "Route d'Hermance 8, 1222 Vésenaz", "Chemin de la Caroline 18a, 1213 Petit-Lancy", "Chemin de Riantbosson 5, 1217 Meyrin", "38 Boulevard Carl-Vogt, 1205 Genève", "Rue de Chêne-Bougeries 31, 1224 Chêne-Bougeries", "Chemin des Tuileries 42, 1293 Bellevue", "Chemin des Deux-Communes 21, 1226 Thônex", "Chemin de la Distillerie 12, 1233 Bernex", "Chemin du 23-Août 4, 1205 Genève", "Boulevard des Promenades 22, 1227 Carouge", "Route d'Hermance 95, 1245 Collonge-Bellerive", "Route de Saint-Julien 19, 1227 Carouge", "Rue de la Coupe Gordon-Bennett 2, 1219 Aïre", "Coupe Gordon-Bennett 2, 1219 Le Lignon", "Rue Pedro-Meylan 1, 1208 Genève", "Rampe de la Gare 6, 1290 Versoix", "Rue de Villereuse 7, 1207 Genève", "Rue Viollier 10, 1207 Genève", "Case Postale 582, 1212 Grand-Lancy", "Rte des Acacias 18, 1227 Les Acacias"),
      latitude = c(46.1630375, 46.2133737, 46.2351041, 46.195877, 46.2043452, 46.1858175, 46.240613, 46.191012, 46.226302, 46.198451, 46.196273, 46.252776, 46.194043, 46.177563, 46.202942, 46.1820537, 46.252583, 46.1767047, 46.205218, 46.205145, 46.195716, 46.279749, 46.199889, 46.201207, 46.173957, 46.191710),
      longitude = c(6.0422094, 6.128216, 6.1223517, 6.144583, 6.1281351, 6.1458293, 6.198072, 6.108927, 6.083383, 6.134992, 6.190887, 6.143145, 6.201620, 6.077023, 6.134026, 6.1374464, 6.203052, 6.1335575, 6.103946, 6.104021, 6.163799, 6.166744, 6.158398, 6.164067, 6.123575, 6.136614),
      phone = c("079 341 47 72", "022 734 42 48", "022 708 11 33", "022 708 11 99", "022 340 27 27", "022 342 74 00", "022 752 67 67", "022 792 12 05", "022 719 10 10", "022 995 96 97", "022 349 63 33", "022 774 25 25", "022 348 58 00", "022 757 61 18", "022 320 43 43", "022 343 30 80", "022 752 34 11", "022 343 22 22", "079 154 35 79", "079 120 65 12", "022 736 00 06", "022 755 46 24", "022 736 44 00", "022 840 08 68", "022 884 18 28", "022 342 45 46"),
      website = c("non", "http://www.imavet.ch", "https://vetspecialistes.ch/", "non", "http://veto-stjean.ch", "http://www.veterinaire-carouge.com", "http://www.vetvesenaz.ch", "non", "http://www.vetriantbosson.ch", "non", "http://www.vet-chene-bougeries.ch", "non", "non", "https://vetbernex.ch/", "http://www.bestiaire.ch", "non", "https://vet-collonge-bellerive.ch/", "non", "http://www.veto-psy.ch", "http://www.vettravel.info", "https://www.vetchampel.ch/", "non", "http://www.vet-villereuse.ch", "non", "http://www.terkuile.tk", "https://www.cabinetveterinairedesacacias.com/")
    # Créer une carte centrée sur Genève
    geneva_map <- leaflet() %>%
      setView(lng = 6.1432, lat = 46.2044, zoom = 12) %>%
    # Ajouter les marqueurs de vétérinaires avec informations supplémentaires
    for (i in 1:nrow(veterinaries)) {
      name <- veterinaries$name[i]
      place <- veterinaries$place[i]
      rating <- veterinaries$rating[i]
      address <- veterinaries$address[i]
      latitude <- veterinaries$latitude[i]
      longitude <- veterinaries$longitude[i]
      phone <- veterinaries$phone[i]
      website <- veterinaries$website[i]
      popup_content <- paste0("<b>", name, "</b><br>",
                              "Avis : ", rating, "/5<br>",
                              "Lieu : ", place, "<br>",
                              "Adresse : ", address, "<br>",
                              "Téléphone : ", phone, "<br>",
                              "Site internet : ", website, "<br>")
      geneva_map <- geneva_map %>%
        addMarkers(lng = longitude, lat = latitude, popup = popup_content)
    # Afficher la carte
# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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