Loading files and displaying necessary features as per files loaded

P.S : I request experts here help me with suitable functions required, so that I can try myself. Please do not code the entire thing for me (let me learn to execute with minimum guidance :slight_smile: )

Problem Statement :
I have a small application, where in I need to load csv files. There are couple of files in my folder say(File1.csv, File2.csv, File3.csv). The moment I load them one by one in R application. I may require following things (Is it possible to achieve this ?) If so can anyone please help me

Scenario 1 : 1) The moment I load File1 data. A rhandsontable should be displayed showing File1 is loaded like shown below enter image description here

  1. A renderText displaying "There are 1 no of files" 3) In case I do not need this data, A action button to unload the dataset. So once the data is unloaded the above rhandsontable should displayed none like below enter image description here

Scenario 2 : 1) The moment I load File2 data (Keeping File1 data). A rhandsontable should be displayed showing File2 is loaded like shown below

enter image description here

  1. A renderText displaying "There are 2 no of files" (In case if File1 is not there, it should be 1) 3) In case I do not need this data, A action button to unload the dataset

For all the above requirements I have added necessary features but not able to code in server

title: "Untitled"
runtime: shiny
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

Column {data-width=650}

### Chart A


fileInput("datafile","Choose the csv file",multiple = TRUE, 
                                            accept = c("text/csv","text/comma-separated-values,text/plain",".csv"))
actionButton("a","Unload previous dataset",icon = NULL)

### Chart A

renderText("There are xx no of files")

Hi all, Sorry for commenting here. Can anyone please guide me on this?

Hi all.

I know it s a festival season and all are busy in there vacation.

Appreciate if anyone could help me on this request please.

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