Looking for a blog spot

I'd like to write a little about my teaching experience with R4DS this semester, but I don't want to start a whole blog to do it.

Anyone out there willing to host a guest blog?

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An easy start is to publish via Medium, and then ask R-Bloggers and others to syndicate it.


I realize that you said you don't want to start a new blog, but it is much easier than ever to produce a blog entirely in R Markdown via the excellent blogdown package. It could then be hosted by the Rbind service free of charge.

Full disclosure: I have my podcast site hosted on Rbind and I've been involved with the project since last year :smile:


Thanks! Both great suggestions for tackling logistics!

What I'm really looking to avoid is the inevitable guilt that will accumulate once I have created my own blogging platform. Like, there is so much other stuff I should blog about and never will. And there will sit my Medium account or .Rmd, calling to me in all their neglect, joining the voices of so many other projects.

But if I tell a real person I am going to contribute to their blog just once, then I will most likely probably do it!

If you really aren't keen to publish your content on your own account or platform (ie no Medium or no self-owned-blogdown-type site), then you should consider contributing to the R4DS's community blog.

If you're not familiar with the R4DS community slack-group, it has "the goal of creating a supportive and responsive online space for learners and mentors to gather and work through the R for Data Science text." (link for details). (And I know you're a member @Ranae but I thought this useful for others not familiar with the R4DS community group).