looking for tips: keep shiny running when closed, email notification when done

Hi everyone,

My shiny app needs to send a lot of data to a mysql database and this is a very timeconsuming task.
I would like to allow the user to upload their files, close the app that keeps working in the background and send the user an e-mail notification when the submission is successful or if an error occured. I have no clue how to get started.
Could someone point me towards documentation/tutorials?


Anyone :pleading_face: ?

I'd investigate if I could use processx to run a background R process to upload data between systems and have it survive the closing of the session that spawned it; This might be likely to work locally, and on your own shiny server, but I wouldnt be suprised if shinyapps.io had blocks around that sort of thing. I'd be curious to know.

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