Loops FOR : My loop for doesn't work well (not looping as I want to)

I think you want

PAA = rbind(PAA,PAA_2)

Also you are checking mykeyword[1] twice.

This is not very good form though. It's better to make an empty list, then populate it in your loop, and bind it afterwards. This way you avoid slowdown due to PAA growing on each loop iteration. Like this

PAA <- vector("list", length(mykeyword))
for (i in 1: length(mykeyword)) {
  url_to_check <- paste0("https://www.google.com/search?q=",mykeyword[i],"&ie=utf-8&oe=utf- 
  PAA[[i]] <- GET(url_to_check, user_agent(my_user_agent)) %>%
    htmlParse(encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
    xpathSApply('//div[/*]/g-accordion-expander/div/div', xmlValue)
PAA <- dplyr::bind_rows(PAA)