loops for warning number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

Hello community, I try to replace values ​​in one variable from another, using a for loop. and it gives me a warning that I don't understand, (number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length) the code I'm using is the following:


       p_s4d21_1 <-  ifelse(pension_ext==1 , pension_ext_monto, NA )
       for(i in 1:length(pension_ext_moneda)) {
         if(pension_ext_moneda[i]=="EUR"  & periodo[i] == 201901) p_s4d21_1[i]= pension_ext_monto*tcR[2,6] else
           if (pension_ext_moneda[i]=="USD"  & periodo[i] == 201901)  p_s4d21_1[i]= pension_ext_monto*tcR[3,6] else
             if (pension_ext_moneda[i]=="REAL" & periodo[i] == 201901) p_s4d21_1[i] = pension_ext_monto*tcR[4,6]	


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