Make values to be seen only when hovered on annotations

Can we make these values seen only when hovered . Example "Toyota Corolla" to be seen only when hovered. Now all the values are appearing


data <- mtcars[which(mtcars$am == 1 & mtcars$gear == 4),]

fig <- plot_ly(data, x = ~wt, y = ~mpg, type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers',
        marker = list(size = 10))
fig <- fig %>% add_annotations(x = data$wt,
                  y = data$mpg,
                  text = rownames(data),
                  xref = "x",
                  yref = "y",
                  showarrow = TRUE,
                  arrowhead = 4,
                  arrowsize = .5,
                  ax = 20,
                  ay = -40,
                  # Styling annotations' text:
                  font = list(color = '#264E86',
                              family = 'sans serif',
                              size = 14))


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