match column from gff and differential expression result

Hello Everyone,

I have a table of differentially expressed genes looking like:

	ID	term	estimate	std.error	statistic	p.value
1	A1	weight	0.0382394824206517	0.00922771226790073	4.1439829624587	4.60086853214822e-05
2	A2	weight	0.035036374134607	0.009106841778299	3.84725846649674	0.000149838965739918
3	A3	weight	0.0350744542554906	0.00926062358066665	3.78748298642819	0.00018848363833843
4	A4	weight	0.0345724393522176	0.00938411439167064	3.68414513178827	0.000278371302607259
5	A5	weight	-0.0336240829922938	0.00926372094478204	-3.62965197167701	0.000340746985817212

I have a gff file that I imported in R studio using:
gff = rtracklayer::import("gene_models.gff")

The gff file looks like:

seqid source type start end score strand phase attributes

1 A1 maker gene 21 22 NA - <NA> ID=G_400;Name=G_400;Note=Similar to L400: cellular_protein;ref_id=L400

I want to add a column in the gene expression table with gene annotation from gff file. e.g.,

	ID	term	estimate	std.error	statistic	p.value GFF_info
1	A1	weight	0.0382394824206517	0.00922771226790073	4.1439829624587	4.60086853214822e-05 cellular_protein

How can I add this type of gene information from attributes column of gff file for matching genes from gene expression table? Thank you!

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