not working

I noticed that is not working and I can't tell why. I completed a mahalanobis matching and tried to extract the data, it extracted the whole data both matched and unmatched. I was expecting 757 observations but got 1279. This is an imputed data set the result is from one imputation.

Sample sizes:
Control Treated
All 887 392
Matched(ESS) 404.45 302
Matched 455 302
Unmatched 432 90
Discard 0. 0

Below is my code

 m.out5b <- matchit(telemed_use ~sex2.Male + Age2.2+ Age2.3+ Age2.4+Age2.5+Age2.6+Age2.7+Age2.8 +mode_arrival.1+
                       bmi2 + triage_pulse2 + triage_systolic + total_sofa1_ed2+infection_ed_source3.Abdominal+infection_ed_source3.Bacteremia+
                     + pmh_copd + pmh_cirrhosis + pmh_transplant + pmh_cancer + pmh_diabetes
                    + pmh_dialysis  +Lactate1_cat  +  citypop_2019 + EDVolume_2019 + totalbeds+ 
                    + transferdist, data = imp.data2[imp.data2$.imp ==1,],
                    distance = "glm", caliper = .20, ratio=2
                    mahvars = ~ sex2.Male +  Age2.2+ Age2.3+ Age2.4+Age2.5+Age2.6+Age2.7+Age2.8 +mode_arrival.1+
                      bmi2 + triage_pulse2 + triage_systolic + total_sofa1_ed2+infection_ed_source3.Abdominal+infection_ed_source3.Bacteremia+
                      infection_ed_source3.Cellulitie+infection_ed_source3.CNS_Mening+infection_ed_source3.Device_rel+ RUCA2.Fou+ RUCA2.Sev +RUCA2.Ten
                    +ed_provider_type2.Physician+ed_provider_type2.APP_NoPHY + bmi2 + triage_pulse2 + triage_systolic + total_sofa1_ed2
                     + pmh_copd + pmh_cirrhosis + pmh_transplant + pmh_cancer + pmh_diabetes
                    + pmh_dialysis  +Lactate1_cat  +  citypop_2019 + EDVolume_2019 + totalbeds
  #exporting matched data
  Final_data5b =

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