Merge data.table by Range

I have two data tables, policies and claims:



The policy table really contains policy-terms, since each row is uniquely identified by a policy number along with an effective date.

I want to merge the two tables in a way that associates claims with policy-terms. A claim is associated with a policy term if it has the same policy number and the lossDate of the claim falls within the effective date and expiration date of the policy term.

My data.table way of doing this is like below:

setDT(claims)[, lossDate2 := lossDate]
setkey(claims, policyNumber, lossDate, lossDate2)
foverlaps(policies, claims, by.x=c("policyNumber", "EFDT", " EXDT"))

but it looks verbose to me, are there more elegant data.table ways to do this?

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