Merge X and Y axis in e_arrange(), echarts4r

I was trying to merge the X and Y axis of the plots generated by using the following code like subplot has shareX and shareY argument to merge the X and Y axis of different plots.


df <- list(a = data.frame(var = rep("type1", times = 18)),
           b = data.frame(var = rep("type2", times = 18)),
           c = data.frame(var = rep("type3", times = 18)),
           d = data.frame(var = rep("type4", times = 18)),
           e = data.frame(var = rep("type5", times = 18)),
           f = data.frame(var = rep("type6", times = 18)))

df <- df %>%
  purrr::map(., ~ dplyr::mutate(., count = row_number()))

plot_list <- list()

for(i in 1:length(df)){
  plot_list[[i]] <- df[[i]] %>%
    e_charts(var) %>%
              symbol_size = 5) %>%
    e_x_axis(var, axisLabel = list(interval = 0L, rotate = 45)) %>%
    e_legend(show = FALSE)

e_arrange(plot_list[[1]], plot_list[[2]], plot_list[[3]], plot_list[[4]], plot_list[[5]], plot_list[[6]], rows = 1, cols = 6)

Is it possible to do using e_arrange?

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