Minimum value of geom_smooth

I am trying to find the minimum value of the geom_smooth plot, I can find the value of Price_Volatility at the minimum point but I don't know how to find the corresponding value of Per_Foreign.

I've put the code and the first 20 observations of the dataset below.

ggplot(data = CD_Turnover, mapping = aes(x = Per_Foreign, y = Price_Volatility))+
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(span = 0.99)
smooth_vals = predict(loess(Price_Volatility~Per_Foreign, CD_Turnover, span = 0.99))
  Per_Foreign Price_Volatility
         <dbl>            <dbl>
 1       21.4             0.351
 2       30               0.413
 3       18.2             0.284
 4       44.4             0.278
 5       30.8            NA    
 6       80              NA    
 7        0               0.374
 8       20               0.442
 9       30              NA    
10       12.5            NA    
11        0               0.293
12        0              NA    
13        0              NA    
14        5.88            0.311
15       36.4            NA    
16       28.6             1.00 
17       63.6             0.286
18       30              NA    
19       22.2             0.664
20        0               0.474

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