Mixed logit interpretation

conducted discrete choice experiment but have been analyzed for 2 months. Anybody helps me with this mixed logit problem...

My experiment was conducted with 3 alternatives (option 1, option 2, option 3) and 3 attributes (soc, man, inc)

I also have a few individual characteristics and want to use these:

avg.charge.cost, avg.charge.num, milage start.time.mon,

start.time.aft, start.time.eve, start.time.nig, start.time.rand (these are dummy variables)

It is hard to interpret with socio-demographic variables. Below is the mlogit code and results. I cannot interpret socio-demographic variables such as "start.time.mon:2" since 2 is just the name of option which is consist of 3 alternatives (soc, man, inc) . It is not like boat, charter, something like in example......

Therefore, it doesn't have meaning such as start.time.mon:2, start.time.eve:3,milage:2 ...

  1. How can I delete intercept:2, intercept:3? and
  2. How should I put individual characteristics in this situation?

mlogit(formula = choice ~ soc + man + inc | avg.charge.cost + 
    avg.charge.num + milage + start.time.mon + start.time.aft + 
    start.time.eve + start.time.nig | 0, data = dce.mlogit.alt3, 
    rpar = c(soc = "n", man = "n", inc = "n"), R = 100, halton = NA, 
    panel = TRUE)

mlogit(formula = choice ~ soc + man + inc | avg.charge.cost + 
    avg.charge.num + milage + start.time.mon + start.time.aft + 
    start.time.eve + start.time.nig | 0, data = dce.mlogit.alt3, 
    rpar = c(soc = "n", man = "n", inc = "n"), R = 100, halton = NA, 
    panel = TRUE)

Frequencies of alternatives:choice
      1       2       3 
0.29233 0.36408 0.34358 

bfgs method
2 iterations, 0h:0m:34s 
g'(-H)^-1g = 4.72E+03 
last step couldn't find higher value 

Coefficients :
                        Estimate     Std. Error   z-value              Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept):2      0.33469658043  0.12180762852    2.7477              0.006001 ** 
(Intercept):3      0.22479454593  0.12506518319    1.7974              0.072269 .  
soc                0.04314020545  0.00076835684   56.1461 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
man               -0.10143611100  0.00434805932  -23.3291 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
inc                0.00003393733  0.00000221364   15.3310 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
avg.charge.cost:2  0.00000111634  0.00000108569    1.0282              0.303840    
avg.charge.cost:3 -0.00000034602  0.00000105725   -0.3273              0.743454    
avg.charge.num:2   0.00042453222  0.00316500460    0.1341              0.893297    
avg.charge.num:3  -0.00443059693  0.00327233817   -1.3540              0.175751    
milage:2          -0.00051653573  0.00028698077   -1.7999              0.071877 .  
milage:3           0.00019542444  0.00029649619    0.6591              0.509823    
start.time.mon:2   0.14603008484  0.10239227800    1.4262              0.153816    
start.time.mon:3   0.15078992009  0.10450330490    1.4429              0.149043    
start.time.aft:2  -0.00503292803  0.12710403716   -0.0396              0.968414    
start.time.aft:3  -0.05512992835  0.12544537138   -0.4395              0.660318    
start.time.eve:2   0.01147774556  0.06731536435    0.1705              0.864611    
start.time.eve:3  -0.09856076724  0.06888887389   -1.4307              0.152510    
start.time.nig:2   0.06017213241  0.06093596402    0.9875              0.323415    
start.time.nig:3  -0.02837111182  0.06219073407   -0.4562              0.648250    
sd.soc             0.09994166256  0.00024140374  414.0021 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
sd.man             0.09956856967  0.00208219538   47.8190 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
sd.inc             0.09998613851  0.00001984986 5037.1208 < 0.00000000000000022 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Log-Likelihood: -20771
McFadden R^2:  -2.8906 
Likelihood ratio test : chisq = -30864 (p.value = 1)

random coefficients
    Min.     1st Qu.         Median           Mean     3rd Qu. Max.
soc -Inf -0.02426942  0.04314020545  0.04314020545  0.11054983  Inf
man -Inf -0.16859409 -0.10143611100 -0.10143611100 -0.03427813  Inf
inc -Inf -0.06740569  0.00003393733  0.00003393733  0.06747356  Inf

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