my function to make simple plots is not removing the na's

Hello there I hope you are haveing a nice day, currently i'm writing a simple function to make some bar plots and histograms but no matter what I do, the NA keep appearing in the plot, i've tried filtering, and using the geom argument for na.rm but I don't really know why the NA keep showing in the bar plots

plot_dataframe <- function(df, df_name, nbin){

#Create empty list to store plots
plots <- list()

#Loop through each variable in the dataframe
for(var in names(df)){

#Check if variable is a factor or numeric
  # Create bar plot using ggplot2
  plot <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df[[var]])) +  geom_bar(stat="count", width=0.5, fill="steelblue", colour="black", na.rm = TRUE) +
    geom_text(stat='count', aes(label=..count..), vjust= 0, hjust = 0, , na.rm = TRUE) +
    # Use the `label` function to get the label of `x` as the plot title
    labs(y = label(df[[var]]), x= NULL) 
  # Check if variable has more than 6 levels
  if(length(levels(df[[var]])) > 6){
    # Use coord_flip() to flip axes
    plot <- plot + coord_flip() 
  # Add plot to list
  plots[[var]] <- plot
  # Save plot to folder
  ggsave(paste0("plots/", df_name, "/", var, ".png"), plot)
} else if(is.numeric(df[[var]])){
  # Create histogram using ggplot2
  plot <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df[[var]])) + geom_histogram(aes(y=stat(count)), colour="black", fill="steelblue", bins = nbin ) +
    # Use the `label` function to get the label of `x` as the plot title
  # Add plot to list
  plots[[var]] <- plot
  # Save plot to folder
  ggsave(paste0("plots/", df_name, "/", var, ".png"), plot)



I'm not sure this is the problem, but you have two commas in a row.

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