Need Help on downloading the Rstudio

Hi Professionals,

I downloaded my Rstudio from the website, and installed it on my laptop. However, when I tried to turn on the Software, it showed me the error message. I tried to download it again, but it turned out the same message. Does anyone know the reason?

Thank You


Did you install a version of R as well? RStudio is just an interface and does not download R by itself.

Just a guess, looking at the Error "Error Starting R".

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Thanks. I just downloaded R. What is the relationship between R and Rstudio?

Well, R is a (statistical) programming language, which you can use to perform certain tasks. It does work by its own and does not need RStudio or any other program, which just calls R, to function.

RStudio however is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which makes it convenient to work with R in a more productiv way (at least in my opinion). So basically, you run R behind the scenes if you work in RStudio, but without R installed you cannot work in RStudio, since there is no programming language to use for RStudio.

Hope this makes the relationship a bit more clear.

Best regards

Edit: I've read some things about integrating Julia and Python inside RStudio, so you can work with different languages as well (at least in Quarto documents). But at the end it sounds like you will need R regardless for RStudio to function. But Iam not a developer nor am I working at RStudio, so there might be valid options to work inside RStudio without having R installed. :smiley:

Currently a known issue with Windows usernames containing non-ASCII characters -- could you try running RStudio under a user count using only ASCII characters?

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