Need help to find error in the following code chunk.

daily_activity_no_dptd <- daily_activity_no_dptd %>%
  group_by(Id, New_Date) %>%
  filter(SedentaryMinutes!= 1440) %>%
  mutate(User = factor(case_when(VeryActiveMinutes + FairlyActiveMinutes) >= 60 & Calories >= 2400 ~ "Excessive User", (VeryActiveMinutes + FairlyActiveMinutes + SedentaryMinutes + LightActiveMinutes) > 1200 & Calories > 1600 ~ "Moderate User", TRUE ~ "Average User", levels = c("Average User", "Moderate User", "Excessive User"))) %>%
  drop_na() %>%

So the message I am getting while running down this code is this

Error in `mutate()`:
! Problem while computing `User = factor(...)`.
ℹ The error occurred in group 1: Id = 1503960366, New_Date = 2016-04-12.
Caused by error in `match()`:
! 'match' requires vector arguments
 1. ... %>% summary()
 9. base::factor(...)
Error in mutate(., User = factor(case_when(VeryActiveMinutes + FairlyActiveMinutes) >= :

ℹ The error occurred in group 1: Id = 1503960366, New_Date = 2016-04-12.
Caused by error in `match()`:
! 'match' requires vector arguments

Can anyone please help me find where I am doing the error.

Thank you in advance :)

It is not clear what you are trying to do but this line has misplaced parenthesis. I think it should be:

mutate(User = factor(case_when(VeryActiveMinutes + FairlyActiveMinutes >= 60 & Calories >= 2400 ~ "Excessive User",
                         VeryActiveMinutes + FairlyActiveMinutes + SedentaryMinutes + LightActiveMinutes > 1200 & Calories > 1600 ~ "Moderate User",
                         TRUE ~ "Average User"),
                         levels = c("Average User", "Moderate User", "Excessive User"))) %>%

Also, this group_by() command has no effect on the outcome, what is your intention with this?

based on the user time and calories burnt by users, I am making a column of different type of users. group_by(Id, New_Date) is basically I was arranging trying to arrange them by the updated New_date format which I had made before running this code.

The missing parenthesis I added later and still it shows error

new_daily_activity <- new_daily_activity %>%
group_by(Id, New_Date) %>%
filter(SedantaryMinutes !=1440) %>%
mutate(User = factor(case_when((VeryActiveMinutes + FairlyActiveMinutes >=60 & Calories >=2400 ~ "Excessive User", (VeryActiveMinutes + Fairly ActiveMinutes + SedantaryMinutes+LightlyActiveMinutes) >1080 & Calories >1600 ~ "Moderate User", TRUE ~ "Average User"), levels = c("Average User", "Moderate User", "Excessive User"))) %>%
drop_na() %>%

Now it is showing this error
Error: unexpected ',' in:
" filter(SedantaryMinutes !=1440) %>%
mutate(User = factor(case_when((VeryActiveMinutes + FairlyActiveMinutes >=60 & Calories >=2400 ~ "Excessive User","

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