Need help with getting year selected from input to limit the number of sites the user can choose in the next input

Here is the section of code that is relevant to the question. What I'm trying to accomplish. Within the ui.R I'm trying to limit the choices of sites a use can pick based on the year chosen. I understand input.year will not work, I'm still new to shiny and not quite sure how to get the current choice from the user.

       condition = "input.plot != 'googlemaps'",
       site1 <- selectInput(
         inputId = "site1",
         label = "Select a first site:",
         choices = dbGetQuery(db, sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT site FROM '' WHERE strftime('%%Y',datetime(datetime(date,'unixepoch'))) ='%s'",input.year))
       inputId = "species",
       label = "Species:",
       choices = species_choices
       condition = "input.plot == 'calendar' || input.plot == 'timeVariation'",
         inputId ="year",
         label = "Year:",
         choices = year_choices