Need to do a few layout changes in bookdown

Hey there! I started using bookdown to write my thesis. I have some issues with the layout I want to change.

  1. After each chapter (and the front cover and the Table of Contents) there is a blank page I want to get rid of.
  2. In the top right corner, the chapter title is displayed. How can this be removed?
  3. When I begin a new chapter the output be something like this:
    Chapter 1
    Titel of Chapter 1
    -> I would like only "Titel of Chapter 1" to be displayed.
  4. After every page the marging changes. How can I change it to be uniform?
  5. I would like to add another page between the front cover and the table of contents to put there some official stuff. How can this be solved?
  6. I would like to add the name of my facultiy above the title of the thesis. Like this

Name of Faculty (smaller font size than Title)
(separation line)
Title of Thesis (Large font size)
Subtitle (font size like Name of faculty)

Here are some examples of what I meant:

Here's the setup:


title: Title
Subtitle: Subtile
author: Name of author
date: "date"
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
documentclass: book
bibliography: [Doktorarbeit.bib]
biblio-style: apalike
link-citations: yes
geometry: "left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm, top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm"
fontsize: 11pt
linestretch: 1.5
toc-depth: 1
lof: True
lot: True
always_allow_html: true




    in_header: preamble.tex
  latex_engine: lualatex
  citation_package: natbib
  keep_tex: yes

Sorry about all those questions. Tried the whole day yesterday and didn't find a solution Thanks a lot guys!

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