New York State Hospital Performance Comparison Tool - Table Contest Submission

New York State Hospital Performance Comparison Tool

Authors: Erica Smith
Affiliations: Signify Health

Abstract: This Shiny dashboard enables users to compare performance among hospitals in New York State on the basis of volume and cost for major medical conditions and surgical procedures.

Full Description: Users may select the county, condition or procedure, and severity of illness to display the median volume and cost among all hospitals meeting the selected criteria. They may then select the name of a particular facility to view its specific volume and median cost. A two-way, color-coded table displays the names of each hospital, grouping them into pairs based on volume and cost which allows the user to quickly and easily identify high-volume/ low cost (better performing) hospitals.

Table Type: interactive-Shiny
Submission Type: Other
RStudio Cloud:
DT package used: true
gt package used:
reactable package used:
flextable package used:
huxtable package used:
kableExtra package used:
Other packages: RSocrata, stringr, data.table,dplyr, tidyr, shiny,flexdashboard