'Object not found' in 'ToothGrowth' dataset

I am taking the Google Data Analytics course, and I'm trying to reproduce the instructor's code. I typed exactly what she has:

filtered_tg <- filter(ToothGrowth, dose==0.5)

But when I run the code in R Desktop, I get "Error in filter(ToothGrowth, dose == 0.5) : object 'dose' not found". I can't for the life of me figure out what is wrong. This works in R Cloud, btw, just not in the Desktop version. Any help would be greatly appreciated; I'm about to throw it all out the window and play MMORPG games so I can kill things in a socially acceptable manner...

Try executing


before you use the filter function. I think your code is using the filter function from base R instead of the function from the dplyr package.

I made sure dplyr was installed and loaded; I did it again as per your advice, and it didn't make a difference.

The code works for me when I include a call to library(dplyr). Does the code below not work for you?



filtered_tg <- filter(ToothGrowth, dose==0.5)
#>    len supp dose
#> 1  4.2   VC  0.5
#> 2 11.5   VC  0.5
#> 3  7.3   VC  0.5
#> 4  5.8   VC  0.5
#> 5  6.4   VC  0.5
#> 6 10.0   VC  0.5

Created on 2023-02-01 with reprex v2.0.2

I did exactly the same thing and I still get the same result:

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union



filtered_tg <- filter(ToothGrowth, dose==0.5)

Created on 2023-02-01 with reprex v2.0.2

Why would it work in R Cloud but not on my desktop when it worked before?

I don't have any good suggestions. Have your tried restarting R?

Restarting the computer the next day didn't change anything.

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