Opening Quarto Render in RStudio


Is there a way to open a rendered Quarto document inside of RStudio, instead of through a browser? Specifically similar to how an R Markdown file displays upon knitting.

I had the same question - this is holding me back from trying to move workflows to Quarto. The github_document file that opens in the browser is not displayed properly.

Can you be more precise as I am not sure to fully understand.

  • Source qmd file should be possible to be opened in RStudio
  • HTML or PDF preview should open in the RStudio IDE viewer pane with Quarto document

Be sure to have latest RStudio version available for correct Quarto support though.

@cardinal400 is this the same issue ? Like preview of document not opening in the Viewer pane ?
Which RStudio IDE version are you using ?

This is an edge case here for Github markdown output. Aim of the Github format is to output a Markdown file with GFM syntax. github_doument in R Markdown has a preview HTML feature in addition, and Quarto does not have that yet. This would be a feature request for this specific case to see if that can be considered - as format gfm targets .md as output not .html it would require a simulation of Github HTML rendering like done in R Markdown.

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