Optimization - hill climbing - designing functions (travelling salesman problem with truck load)

Hey guys,

New to R, currently on a college project on optimization using hillclimbing and completely dead in the water...

Any willing to lend a hand will be much obliged...

problem in hand: minimum distance and or maximum profit for a combination of 5 cities...

got a matrix of possible combinations of routes, starting on a sixth city, got a function to get the distance between cities but am struggling to write the functions to have the truck stop at a given city when load gets to 0...

Much appreciated

I would really encourage you to review the following guide, FAQ: Tips for writing R-related questions.
For example, the guide emphasizes asking coding questions with formatted code-chunks and a reprex.

You may have noticed folks here requesting minimal reprexes, that's because asking questions this way saves answerers a lot of time.

Reproducible Examples:

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  • increases the probability folks will reach out and try to help,
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But also please bear in mind the forum homework policy.

It seems that you recently asked a question that originated from a class or workshop, and I wanted to make sure you were seeking help here in a way that maximizes the chances of getting good help (without violating our homework policies).

Our homework guide is here: FAQ: Homework Policy

How should one ask a homework question?

  1. Never copy-paste instructions from an assignment (even for online courses).
  2. Explicitly mention the course you are taking and use the #homework tag.
  3. Ask your question as a reproducible example (reprex), preferably prepared for posting using the reprex package.

What's the best way to ask a specific homework-related question?

We made a short guide for helping folks pose their R-coding questions here.

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