P Value from Multinom Table Output

Hello All,
I am running a multinomial logistic regression for 2 categorical variables. I'm wondering what the p value output means if I'm getting "0." The output I'm getting looks like this:

A tibble: 9 x 6

y.level term estimate std.error statistic p.value

1 M (Intercept) 8.49 0.124 17.3 3.78e-67
2 M Clums1 0.0000355 0.00000128 -8007021. 0.
3 M Clums2 0.0000468 0.00000452 -2206042. 0.
4 M logBMI 0.278 0.411 -3.12 1.81e- 3
5 M Calc 1.00 0.000475 1.88 5.98e- 2
6 M logiron 0.601 0.399 -1.28 2.02e- 1
7 M logVitC 1.08 0.273 0.278 7.81e- 1
8 M Asc 0.998 0.0124 -0.123 9.02e- 1
9 M Race 0.0907 0.609 -3.94 8.01e- 5

Thank you!!!!

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