pandoc-citeproc error with new test version 1.4.869

Error Information:

pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find locale data for english
Error running filter C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc/pandoc-citeproc.exe:
Filter returned error status 1
Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 83

Description of issue -
I just installed the test version of RStudio 1.4.869. It works fantastic, it is a great improvement for editing Rmd files, However, when It tried to knit a pdf, I get the above pandoc error. Yesterday the knitting went perfect with RStudio v1.3.1073, I did not change the Rmd file, so it must be due to the new RStudio version, I suspect. Did something change with pandoc as well?
Steps taken so far -
Looked at internet about this problem but could not find info

System Information:

  • RStudio Edition: (Desktop or Server): Desktop
  • RStudio Version: 1.4.869
  • OS Version: Windows10
  • R Version: 4.0.2


From Troubleshooting Guide: Using RStudio

I had a similar problem and installing latest version of pandoc helped.

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