pandoc document conversion failed with error 99

When attempting to knit to HTML i get this error while trying to insert an image:
pandoc document conversion failed with error 99

This is the code I'm running:


"plots" is a subdirectory of my wd. I've tried googling the error, and found something mentioning that the .Rmd and image have to be in the same directory, is this true?

The two paths are:
root/plots for the image and root/results for the Rmd.

Is there a simple fix to this? What is causing the problem?

You need to put the file "flowchart.png" in the same directory of the .Rmd file, or in a sub-directory , that is, put the plots carpet in the same directory of the .Rmd

Otherwise you can prove [../plots/flowchart.png], but I am not sure


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