Pandoc errors with notebooks

I'm getting a periodic error with R notebooks: "Error creating notebook: pandoc document conversion failed with error 11." If I look at the R Markdown window in RStudio, the pandoc error reads "Access violation in generated code when reading 0xffffffffffffffff".

After waiting for a few seconds and re-saving my .Rmd file a few times, eventually RStudio will create the notebook .html successfully. The error occurs randomly.

I'm using RStudio Version 1.2.1335 on Windows 7.

Anyone else receiving this error? Any tips?

Thanks! I hope this is useful and constructive.

Yes, this is a known issue with pandoc, take a look at this github issue

There is already a walk-around solution and it would be included in the next stable release of Rstudio.

Thanks. I appreciate the info.

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