Parameter Issue from plotting

Found an interesting animated plot from here:

When running following code, got error message "Invalid Parameter - -delay", can anyone help to fix the problem? Thank you.

#number of frames or plots
frames <- 50
# function for creating file name with leading zeros
# makes it easier to process them sequentially
rename <- function(x){
  if (x < 10) {
    return(name <- paste('000',i,'plot.png',sep=''))
  if (x < 100 && i >= 10) {
    return(name <- paste('00',i,'plot.png', sep=''))
  if (x >= 100) {
    return(name <- paste('0', i,'plot.png', sep=''))
#loop through plots
for(i in 1:frames){
  name <- rename(i)
  #saves the plot as a .png file in the working directory
  sd <- 10
  n  <- 10000
  factor <- i * 2
  m  <- 50 + factor
  x  <- rnorm(n, m, sd)
       main = paste('Histogram of rnorm() n = ', n, ' mean = ', m, ' sd = ', sd),
#run ImageMagick
my_command <- 'convert *.png -delay 3 -loop 0 animation.gif'

try using 'magick'
Animation Basics -- ImageMagick Examples

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You didn't give detail of your environment, but from the error message I suppose that you are running on Windows. 'convert' is a built-in Windows command that has nothing to do with ImageMagick, so that is why you get the error message.

First, you can simplify the creation of png files.

#number of frames or plots
frames <- 50


#loop through plots
for(i in 1:frames){
    #saves the plot as a .png file in the working directory
    sd <- 10
    n  <- 10000
    factor <- i * 2
    m  <- 50 + factor
    x  <- rnorm(n, m, sd)
         main = paste('Histogram of rnorm() n = ', n, ' mean = ', m, ' sd = ', sd),

Then, install recent ImageMagick and run

#run ImageMagick ffmpeg
# no loop
my_command <- 'ffmpeg -i %4dplot.png -r 10 -loop -1 animation.gif'
# infinite loop
my_command <- 'ffmpeg -i %4dplot.png -r 10 -loop -0 animation.gif'

It works for me.
Hope this helps.

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Thank you! It works.

Is it possible to generate a mp4 file? the vedio one.

my_command <- 'ffmpeg -framerate 5 -i %4dplot.png -r 10 -vf format=yuv420p animation.mp4'

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Thank you so much!
One last question: What do "-i" , "-r 10" mean (in 'ffmpeg -framerate 5 -i %4dplot.png -r 10 -vf format=yuv420p animation.mp4') ?


-i designates input.
-r defines the frame rate (Hz value) for the output.
-framerate is an input per-file option. It is meant for input formats which don't have a framerate defined, image sequences being an example.
You can play with -framerate and -r to achieve the desired animation speed.

Hope this helps.

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Got it, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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