Parametric distribution Right censoring in R

I a set of data and I want to create Parametric distribution Right censoring in R using Weibull distribution . Any help to create this in R.

       plot_weibull <- plot_prob(x = Data$Hours,
                        y= Data$Censor,
                        event = Data$Frequency,
                        id = Data$'Start Time',
                        distribution = "weibull",
                        title_main = "",
                        title_x = "Cycles",
                        title_y = "Probability")

Hello, Can you tell us what seems to be the problem ?

I want tot get a probability plot with data table beneath the chart.

you seem to have code for a plot...
you want to talk about data tables ?

yeah, need to get data table ..

Here is a resource for you

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