Passing column names dynamically to a recipe

I am trying to make a function that allows dynamic name passing to a recipe and since inline functions are not allowed in a recipe, I don't know how to go about it.



data_tbl <- tibble(
  visit_date = seq(
    from = as.Date("2021-01-01"), 
    to   = as.Date("2021-10-15"),
    by = 7,
  visits = rnbinom(
    n = 42,
    size = 100,
    mu = 66

ts_auto_recipe <- function(.data, .date_col, .pred_col){
  # * Tidyeval ----
  date_col_var <- rlang::enquo(.date_col)
  pred_col_var <- rlang::enquo(.pred_col)
  # * Checks ----
    stop(call. = FALSE, "You must supply a data.frame/tibble.")
    stop(call. = FALSE, "The (.date_col) must be supplied.")
    stop(call. = FALSE, "The (.pred_col) must be supplied.")
  # * Data ----
  data_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.data)
  data_tbl <- data_tbl %>%
      {{ date_col_var }}, {{ pred_col_var }}, dplyr::everything()
    ) %>%
      date_col    = {{ date_col_var }}
      , value_col = {{ pred_col_var }}
  # * Recipe Objects ----
  # ** Base recipe ----
  rec_base_obj <- recipes::recipe(
    formula = date_col ~ . # I have to do the above so I can do this, which I don't like
    , data = data_tbl
  # * Add Steps ----
  # ** ts signature and normalize ----
  rec_date_obj <- rec_base_obj %>%
    timetk::step_timeseries_signature(date_col) %>%
      , dplyr::contains("date_col_year")
  # * Recipe List ----
  rec_lst <- list(
    rec_base = rec_base_obj,
    rec_date = rec_date_obj
  # * Return ----

I have also posted this on SO here

I feel I have answered my own question. Again the SO has the answer I made.

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