pdf_document code highlight monochrome color

Is there a way to choose the color of the text in code chunks under the highlight option "monochrome". I would like the color to be monochrome, but not in black, so as to differentiate it better from the common text.

number_sections: TRUE
highlight: monochrome

For HTML, it is quite easy by using CSS.

For PDF, it would require tweaking LaTeX which is more complicated. monochrome is a style created by Pandoc. What Pandoc will do is insert some command in the document like this


If you were to use tango style instead it would be like that


You can spot the difference being some color style.

If you want to use your own, you would need to tweak those commands probably, (using renewcommand maybe ?)

But there could be a way using Pandoc them file. We plan to make that easier as Pandoc allow to pass custom theme: Pandoc - Pandoc User’s Guide . This would require some evolution in rmarkdown however (at least RMarkdown's utility prevents pandoc from loading external highlighting theme for HTML output. · Issue #2035 · rstudio/rmarkdown · GitHub)

Currently you could probably use this workaround

title: "Test"
author: "Me"
date: "2/8/2021"
    pandoc_args: "--highlight-style=my.theme"

and modify the theme file produced by

pandoc --output my.theme --print-highlight-style monochorme 

You can compare with the one from another style

pandoc --output my.theme --print-highlight-style tango

We'll definitely make that easier in the future.

Hope it helps

Thank you for answering. I will look more into the solution you suggest.

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