PDF table captions don't use section/subsection

Hi all! I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to have the PDF table captions make use of the section/subsection, rather than just being straight up numbered.

If a table is in the second section of an R Markdown document and the output is PDF, the table is "Table 1":

title: "Caption test"
output: bookdown::pdf_document2

# Section 1

No tables here!

# Section 2 

```{r, echo=FALSE}

  head(mtcars[, 1:8], 10), booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'A table of the first 10 rows of the mtcars data.'

The output looks like this:

If I change the output to be HTML, it's Table 2.1!

title: "Caption test"
output: bookdown::html_document2

# Section 1

No tables here!

# Section 2 

```{r, echo=FALSE}

  head(mtcars[, 1:8], 10), booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'A table of the first 10 rows of the mtcars data.'

I'd really like the caption to be "Table 2.1" in the PDF case -- is this something that I can change in e.g. a latex template?


Luke Turcotte pointed me in the direction of this SO question which helped me solve it!

title: "Caption test"
output: bookdown::pdf_document2
  - \counterwithin{table}{section}

# Section 1

No tables here!

# Section 2 

```{r, echo=FALSE}

  head(mtcars[, 1:8], 10), booktabs = TRUE,
  caption = 'A table of the first 10 rows of the mtcars data.'

produces this:

and I can change section to subsection to make it use those, if they're present, too!


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