Pearson correlation p-values


I performed pearson correlations between peptides and blood pressure. I am trying to extract/ retrieve only the significant correlations (only retrieve correlations with a p-value <0.05). I can go through the correlations manually find the significant correlations, but it would take very long since there are about 6000 correlations.

Is this possible?

My code thus far:

x<- select(allpept.imp,-c(s_pp_number))

pearsoncor <- cor(x, method = "pearson")

data_rcorr <-as.matrix(x)

matrix <-rcorr(data_rcorr)

pearson_p <- p_value <-round(matrix[["P"]], 3)

I do not know just what your data look like so I took the problem to be finding the row/column labels of matrix elements that are <= 0.05. I labeled the rows and columns with letters but you would want to use whatever works for your data. My invented matrix of p values has three values that are less then 0.05 and the code identifies their locations.

#Fake some p values
MyMat <- matrix(runif(25, min = 0, max = 0.25), nrow = 5)
dimnames(MyMat) <- list(LETTERS[1:5], LETTERS[11:15])
#>            K          L          M          N          O
#> A 0.06637717 0.22459742 0.05149364 0.12442481 0.23367631
#> B 0.09303097 0.23616882 0.04413919 0.17940463 0.05303563
#> C 0.14321334 0.16519945 0.17175571 0.24797652 0.16291844
#> D 0.22705195 0.15727851 0.09602593 0.09500879 0.03138877
#> E 0.05042048 0.01544657 0.19246035 0.19436131 0.06680517

#Make a matrix or Row Column labels
NameGrid <- expand.grid(LETTERS[1:5], LETTERS[11:15])
NameGrid$Row_Col <- paste(NameGrid$Var1, NameGrid$Var2, sep="_")
NameMat <- matrix(NameGrid$Row_Col, nrow = 5)
#Names are Row_Col
#>      [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5] 
#> [1,] "A_K" "A_L" "A_M" "A_N" "A_O"
#> [2,] "B_K" "B_L" "B_M" "B_N" "B_O"
#> [3,] "C_K" "C_L" "C_M" "C_N" "C_O"
#> [4,] "D_K" "D_L" "D_M" "D_N" "D_O"
#> [5,] "E_K" "E_L" "E_M" "E_N" "E_O"
NameMat[MyMat <= 0.05]
#> [1] "E_L" "B_M" "D_O"

Created on 2020-05-06 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Thank you very much! It worked!

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