PHYLOSEQ: How to break one otu_table class object into two

Hi comunity!!!
I have a otu_table class object named "trans" like this:

OTU Table:          [219 taxa and 6 samples]
                     taxa are columns
         OTU1  OTU2 OTU3 OTU4 OTU5 OTU6 OTU7 OTU8    OTU9 OTU10 OTU11   OTU12  OTU13 OTU14 OTU15 OTU16   OTU17 OTU18 OTU19
control 20616     0    0    0    0 1356    0    0  475198  5774     0  147399      0     0     0     0  201434   277  2333
test        0 15239    0 5775    0 2145    0    0  922024     0     0   11817      0 15497     0  1434 1303071  4632 28313
control     0     0    0    0    0    0    0 2792 1682238 20776     0   33532      0     0     0   676  102221   713  2124
test        0  6043  606 2493 5229 7110 2210    0    3786     0     0  700280 114382     0     0     0 1495655  3613 17556

I have total 6 samples (3 control and 3 test) and around 250 OTUs. Now, I want to draw a two species accumulation curve in one plot (one for control and one for test) like this:

For that, I am following this link and I want to format my otu_table object accordingly.
I just want to make two different otu_table objects (one with 3 control samples and another with 3 test samples) from the provided otu_table object "trans". How can I do that? Please help me.


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