pie chart + world map for Genetics

Hey guys!
I was able to plot some data into a world map. Specifically some pie charts for different countries in the world, about some rsID (genetics).
The problem I have is about creating a legend for the different pie chart sizes, in order to make it more clear about the sample size regarding the pie chart size [IMAGE 1]. Thas has been succesfully done. BUT the problem I have is that the labels for such 'legends' are to big (pie chart legend font size bigger than other elements in the graphic).


These are the lines of code regarding such problem:

worldmap<- map_data ("world")
mapplot1<- ggplot(worldmap) +

geom_map(data = worldmap, map = worldmap, aes(x = long, y = lat, map_id = region), fill = "gray70") +

geom_scatterpie(aes(x = x_coord, y = y_coord, r=radius), data = table_pop, cols = c("MAF", "MajAF")) +

coord_fixed() + 

 geom_scatterpie_legend((ref$radius), x = -180, y = -50, n=7, labeller= function(a) a = (ref$label))


So I was wondering if you guys had any idea on what to do or change.
Please consider that 'theme()' only works on the legend below said graph.
So maybe change '(ref$radius)' fontsize??? Or any other thing that I missed.

Thanks in advance.

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I overrode the function to customise it.

example data

#example data
long <- rnorm(50, sd=100)
lat <- rnorm(50, sd=50)
d <- data.frame(long=long, lat=lat)
d <- with(d, d[abs(long) < 150 & abs(lat) < 70,])
n <- nrow(d)
d$region <- factor(1:n)
d$A <- abs(rnorm(n, sd=1))
d$B <- abs(rnorm(n, sd=2))
d$C <- abs(rnorm(n, sd=3))
d$D <- abs(rnorm(n, sd=4))
d[1, 4:7] <- d[1, 4:7] * 3

code example

custom_geom_scatterpie_legend <- 
  function (radius, x, y, n = 5, labeller,textsize=1) 
    if (length(radius) > n) {
      radius <- unique(sapply(seq(min(radius), max(radius), 
                                  length.out = n), scatterpie:::round_digit))
    label <- FALSE
    if (!missing(labeller)) {
      if (!inherits(labeller, "function")) {
        stop("labeller should be a function for converting radius")
      label <- TRUE
    dd <- data.frame(r = radius, start = 0, end = 2 * pi, x = x, 
                     y = y + radius - max(radius), maxr = max(radius))
    if (label) {
      dd$label <- labeller(dd$r)
    else {
      dd$label <- dd$r
    list(ggforce:::geom_arc_bar(aes_(x0 = ~x, y0 = ~y, r0 = ~r, r = ~r, 
                           start = ~start, end = ~end), data = dd, inherit.aes = FALSE), 
         geom_segment(aes_(x = ~x, xend = ~x + maxr * 1.5, y = ~y + 
                             r, yend = ~y + r), data = dd, inherit.aes = FALSE), 
         geom_text(aes_(x = ~x + maxr * 1.6, y = ~y + r, label = ~label), 
                   data = dd, hjust = "left", inherit.aes = FALSE,size=textsize))

d$radius <- 6 * abs(rnorm(n))
p <- ggplot() + geom_scatterpie(aes(x=long, y=lat, group=region, r=radius), data=d,
                                cols=LETTERS[1:4], color=NA) + coord_equal()

#different sizes 
p + custom_geom_scatterpie_legend(d$radius, x=-120, y=-70,textsize = 3)
# different
p + custom_geom_scatterpie_legend(d$radius, x=-120, y=-70,textsize = 2)

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