pkgdown: customize version number color and search bar color?

Is there a way to customize the font color of the version number in the navbar of a pkgdown website? Ideally I'd like white.
Also, can I change the color of the search bar (it's so dark)?

Here's what I"ve got in my _pkgdown.yml

  bootstrap: 5
  bootswatch: simplex
    primary: "#468c6c"
    base_font: {google: "Atkinson Hyperlegible"}
    heading_font: {google: "Atkinson Hyperlegible"}

  bg: primary
    left:  [intro, reference, articles, tutorials, news]
    right: [search, github]

Link to pkgdown site:

Link to GitHub Repo

Thank you!

I looked at the source code in the browser but the text is "muted"

Removing the text-muted solved the problem

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