Placing an image on the right end of the navigation bar in the navbarPage() layout

I'm using the Superzip shiny app as an example, for which the code is here.

I would like to place an image on the right end of the navigation bar page (let's say the R Studio logo) as highlighted with the red box in the screenshot below:

Would this be possible at all?

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You can do this by adding an img tag in the navbarPage()'s title argument. It would look like this:

  title = div(
      id = "img-id",
      img(src = "path/to/img.png")

  # Insert rest of ui code

Then in you can style the img-id div as follows (this would be what it would look like in styles.css script in that repo):

  position: fixed;
  right: 10px;
  top: 5px;

You will probably have to play around with the top and right css values but that should give you what you are looking for.


Thank you so much for your help, Tyler.