Plants - Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Jakub Sobolewski

Abstract: Learn about your plants and provide them conditions as if they were at home!

Full Description: Have ever wandered how you could make life of your plants better? If the answer is positive then this app is for you! It emerged from a simple idea: how can I make my plants feel more like at home?

The app allows you to browse for your plants and check weather in the places where they originate from. Now you can provide them conditions they would be subjected to just as if they were at home! You can learn about your plants along the way thanks to info tab powered by a database obtained from brilliant Trefle API, which is unfortunately no longer up.

The app is powered by shiny.react and shiny.fluent which allows to employ Microsoft Fluent UI.

The app uses OpenWeatherMap. In order to be able to retrieve the data you need to have an API key. RStudio Cloud project doesn't include those credentials.

The app is a POC in which greater weight was put into UI design rather than amount of features.

Keywords: plants,weather,shiny.fluent,shiny.react,leaflet
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - jakubsob/plants
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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