Plot the participation on changes in a code by individuals in R

I got a dataframe for a project where there are for example two workers which take place in this project.
Every change ist documentated and the frame looks like this:

      devf    lines_add  lines_del
[1,] "egamma" "660"      "527"
[2,] "egamma" "8"        "2"  
[3,] "egamma" "14"       "3"  
[4,] "egamma" "128"      "8"  
[5,] "egamma" "67"       "5"  
[6,] "egamma" "74"       "248"
[7,] "egamma" "20"       "6"  
[8,] "egamma" "9"        "7"  
[9,] "egamma" "148"      "10" 
[10,] "egamma" "0"        "0"  
[11,] "egamma" "0"        "0"  
[12,] "egamma" "2"        "0"  
[13,] "egamma" "3"        "3"  
[14,] "egamma" "1"        "1"  
[15,] "egamma" "4"        "3"  
[16,] "emeade" "1"        "0"  
[17,] "emeade" "2"        "0"  
[18,] "emeade" "15"       "22" 
[19,] "emeade" "20"       "4"  
[20,] "egamma" "1"        "1"  

I started to write a function but i dont get an idea for how to calculate the value on the y-axe.
Here is the function so far:

myplot.participation<- function(x){<- length(levels(x$devf))
  t= seq(0,, 0.5)
  z= tapply(t, )
  plot(t,z, type="l", col="green", lwd=5, xlab="Individuals", ylab="Participation")
  title("developer participation")  

Any help for how to resolve this is welcome.
Here an example how the Plot should look like. The
solid line in the Figure shows the cumulative proportion of changes against the number of

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