Plots are cut from above in shiny app

I built a shiny app which presents several plot types. However, the plots are cut from the top, and they are too wide. I tried modifying the width and height in the plotOutput function, did not work. I also thought of using the par function but didn't work for me, perhaps I used it wrong.

My code:

ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme('united'),
  titlePanel(title = h3("Graphs - ordered chronologically", align="center")),
              "Choose which plots to present", 
              choices = list(Heatmap = "Heatmap", PCA = "PCA", VolcanoPlot = "VolcanoPlot", GSEA = 'GSEA')),
  submitButton(text = "Show plots"),
  verticalLayout( plotOutput(outputId = "PART.1", width = '70%')),

## Processing of the data - the server is the back-end that processes the input values 

server <- function(input, output) {
  # RNA-seq data
  raw_counts <- fread('E-MTAB-7805-raw-counts.tsv', data.table = F) 
  metadata <- fread('E-MTAB-7805-experiment-design.tsv' ,data.table = F)
  A=duplicated(raw_counts$`Gene ID`) # Check for duplicates and remove them
  raw_counts = raw_counts[!A,]
  A=duplicated(raw_counts$`Gene Name`) # Check for duplicates and remove them
  raw_counts = raw_counts[!A,]
  raw_counts <- raw_counts[!$`Gene ID`), ]
  raw_counts <- raw_counts[!$`Gene Name`), ]
  Hugo.Symbol <- raw_counts[,c(1:2)]
  rownames(raw_counts) <- raw_counts$`Gene Name` # renaming rownames
  raw_counts <- raw_counts[, -c(1:2)]
  # metadata
  C = duplicated(metadata$Run) # Check for duplicates and remove them
  metadata = metadata[!C,]
  rownames(metadata) <- metadata$Run
  metadata <- metadata[,-1]
  ind <- order(colnames(raw_counts), rownames(metadata))
  raw_counts <- raw_counts[,ind]
  # filter
  target1 <- c("0 day", "1 day")
  Meta_filter1 <- metadata %>% dplyr::filter(`Factor Value[time]` %in%  target1)
  Counts_filter1 <- raw_counts[intersect(names(raw_counts), rownames(Meta_filter1))]
  rownames(Counts_filter1) <- Hugo.Symbol$`Gene Name`
  # clean
  Counts_filter1 <- Counts_filter1[rowSums(Counts_filter1[])>0,]
  thresh <- Counts_filter1 > 1
  keep <- rowSums(thresh) >= 2.5
  Counts_filter1 <- Counts_filter1[keep,]
  # annotate
  Meta_filter1$group <- plyr::mapvalues(Meta_filter1$`Factor Value[time]`, c("0 day", "1 day"),
                                        c("CTRL", "CASE"))
  ind <- order(colnames(Counts_filter1), rownames(Meta_filter1))
  Counts_filter1 <- Counts_filter1[,ind]
  # analysis
  dds1 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = Counts_filter1,
                                 colData = Meta_filter1,
                                 design = ~ group)
  dds1 = DESeq(dds1)
  res1 = results(dds1)
  res1$symbol <- rownames(res1)
  resOrder <- res1[order(res1$padj),]
  # heatmap
  dds.symbol = dds1
  rownames(dds.symbol) = mapIds(,
  rownames(dds.symbol)[] = rownames(dds1)[]
  rownames(dds.symbol) = make.unique(rownames(dds.symbol))
  selectUp <- resOrder$symbol[resOrder$log2FoldChange>0][1:20]
  selectDown <- resOrder$symbol[resOrder$log2FoldChange<0][1:20]
  select = c(selectUp,selectDown)
  df <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(dds.symbol),
                   group = colData(dds.symbol)$group)
  normcounts1 = assay(vst(dds.symbol,blind=T, nsub = 2000))
  # Functional enrichment
  res1 = res1[!$padj),]
  mygenes1 <- rownames(res1)
  lfc_1 = res1$log2FoldChange # get gene symbol
  names(lfc_1) <- rownames(res1) 
  lfc_1 <- sort(lfc_1, decreasing = TRUE)
  hallmarks <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens", category = "H") %>% 
    dplyr::select(gs_name, gene_symbol)

 ## Output - 1
  output$PART.1 <- renderPlot({
    if (input$Plot == 'Heatmap') { 
      pheatmap(normcounts1[select,], cluster_rows=TRUE,
                     show_colnames = FALSE,cluster_cols=TRUE, 
                     annotation_col=df, scale = 'row',cutree_cols = 2,cutree_rows = 2)
    } else if (input$Plot == 'PCA') {
      Var <- apply(normcounts1, 1, var)
      selectedVarGenes <- names(Var[order(Var, decreasing = T)][1:1000])
      M <- t(normcounts1[selectedVarGenes,])
      pcaResults = prcomp(M)
      qplot(pcaResults$x[,1],pcaResults$x[,2], col=dds1$group,size=2)

    } else if (input$Plot == 'VolcanoPlot') {

                      lab = resOrder$symbol,
                      x = 'log2FoldChange',
                      y = 'padj',
                      FCcutoff=2 )
    } else  {
      em1 <- GSEA(lfc_1, TERM2GENE = hallmarks)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Anyone ? This problem is not working out for me :frowning:

Hi, Can you make it reproducible? We don't have your csv files. Can you also load your packages?

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