Plots are not displayed in Shiny App but are displayed in viewer

  output$uiMarker <- renderUI({
    lapply(1:input$numberMarkers, function(i){
     # markerName <- paste("marker", i, sep = "")
      textInput(inputId = paste("marker",i), label = paste("Marker",i))
  output$uiFeaturePlot <- renderUI({
    lapply(1:input$numberMarkers, function(i){
      #plotName <- paste("plot", i, sep = "")
      plotOutput(outputId = paste("plot",i),width = 300,height = 300)
    lapply(1:input$numberMarkers, function(i){
      plotFeature <- function(){
          withProgress(message = "Generating Plot",value = 0,{
                        #features.plot = input$feature1,
                        features.plot = input[[paste("marker",i)]],
                        cols.use = c("grey","blue"),
                        reduction.use = "tsne",do.hover = TRUE)
      output[[paste("plot",i)]] <- renderPlot({

Warning in if ( { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used Warning in if ( { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used Warning: error_y.color does not currently support multiple values. Warning: error_x.color does not currently support multiple values. Warning: line.color does not currently support multiple values.

I'm trying create a dynamic UI in which the user is asked to enter the number of inputs (sliderInput) and based on that the number of textInput boxes are displayed.
The values entered in the textInput Box will generate a feature plot identifying the entered markers.
The object used is a seurat object.