Problem accessing MikTex in Rmd file

I have a Rmd file that produces a PDF document.
I have Pandoc 2.5 and MikTex 2.9 installed on my computer.
When I knit this file, I receive the following set of messages:

tlmgr search --file --global "/multirow.sty" Remote repository is newer than local (2017 < 2018)
Cross release updates are only supported with
update-tlmgr-latest(.sh/.exe) --update
Please see Upgrade - TeX Live - TeX Users Group for details.
! LaTeX Error: File `multirow.sty' not found.

Does any one know how to resolve this error?


This is a LaTeX maintenance problem. The recommended, though lengthy, fix is a re-install to TexLive 2018:

While it appears possible to update older versions of tlmgr, it appears to be tricky. and it ends up updating all of the *sty files anyway.

I've been running TexLive update while writing this and I see that there is indeed a newer version of multirow.sty.

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