Problem in Differenced Variance Method in R

Dear R studio user, I am using fractal package for Hurst exponent. However i am facing problem in Difference Variance Method. I have used the below code:

hurstBlock(b, method="diffvar", scale.min=40, scale.max=NULL, scale.ratio=2, weight=function(x) rep(1,length(x)), fit=lm)

But the error message is coming like this:

Error in if (any(scale < 0)) stop("Negative scale(s) not allowed") : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Other methods such as aggabs and aggvar are not showing any error. But for the diffvar it is showing error. Can any one give suggestion.

It would be helpful to have some insight into the object b as well as the session info.

Can you please provide a minimal reprex (reproducible example)? The goal of a reprex is to make it as easy as possible for me to recreate your problem so that I can fix it: please help me help you!

If you've never heard of a reprex before, start by reading "What is a reprex", and follow the advice further down that page.

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