Problem inserting data into MySQL from R

good afternoon and thanks for reading. I currently have to manually enter data into SQL and am trying to automate the data using a loop in R, but when entering the query and reviewing the information in MySQL, I don't see any new observations added.

Basically, that's the code to input the observations that I'm using (using other data that I'm looping out of a data frame):


connection <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(),
                        dbname = "xxx",
                        host=  "xxx",
                        port = xxx,
                        user = "xxx",
                        password = "xxx")

payout_history <- paste0("INSERT INTO `payout_history` (`uuid`, `trip_id`, `delivery_order_id`, `amount`, `payout_type_id`, `payout_invoice_id`) VALUES (uuid(), '",id,"', '",order_id,"', '",amount,"', '7', '",head(payout_invoice$id,1),"');")

The query works when I try to use it within the MySQL manager, but within the R console with the dbExecute() function it doesn't add anything, do you know if I should use any other function to be able to insert observations?

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