Problem with ggstatsplot package

I am experiencing problems with the ggstatsplot package.
Exactly with:
when trying to reproduce the third example, from:

I receive the following alert:
"Error in grid.Call (C_convert, x, as.integer (whatfrom), as.integer (whatto),:
Viewport has zero dimension (s) "

when trying to reproduce the fourth example,I receive the following alert:
"Error in grid.Call (C_convert, x, as.integer (whatfrom), as.integer (whatto),:
Viewport has zero dimension (s) ";

when trying to reproduce the third example, from:
Enhancing ggplot2 plots with statistical analysis
I receive the following alert:
"Error in grid.Call (C_convert, x, as.integer (whatfrom), as.integer (whatto),:
Viewport has zero dimension (s) "

How to proceed?

> version
platform       x86_64-w64-mingw32          
arch           x86_64                      
os             mingw32                     
system         x86_64, mingw32             
major          4                           
minor          0.2                         
year           2020                        
month          06                          
day            22                          
svn rev        78730                       
language       R                           
version.string R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
nickname       Taking Off Again            

What size do you have your Rstudio plot window at the moment that you run the ggstatsplot::combine_plots function ?
I can reproduce your error when I minimise the plot window.
It goes away when I give it a good size.

please guide me how to know that? and how to configure it?

I'm not sure what you are asking me ?
The plot window you can drag around, minimize , maximise to any size.
Its where you would expect to see your plots appear. you can manipulate it interactively.
Or set your code to print to a grahpic device like png on disc, then you wont have to worry about the plot window( but you wont see it conveniently either)

I get it. in my case the graphic window is blank, in its size and when I apply the zoom. by the way, if it was showing a graph of the previous execution, it is blank immediately, that one of the mentioned codes is run, and after almost thirty seconds or more, the alert appears. and the graphic window remains blank

apply(table, 2, str(windows.options()))
List of 19
 $ width         : num 7
 $ height        : num 7
 $ pointsize     : num 12
 $ record        : logi FALSE
 $ rescale       : chr "R"
 $ xpinch        : num NA
 $ ypinch        : num NA
 $ bg            : chr "transparent"
 $ canvas        : chr "white"
 $ gamma         : num 1
 $ xpos          : int NA
 $ ypos          : int NA
 $ buffered      : logi TRUE
 $ restoreConsole: logi FALSE
 $ clickToConfirm: logi TRUE
 $ title         : chr ""
 $ fillOddEven   : logi TRUE
 $ antialias     : chr "default"
 $ : chr "default"

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