Procedure to create a project for a package destined for GitHub?

Update: I'm about to post an updated response, incorporating some feedback and in light of usethis changes made as a result of this productive discussion!

I think this is easiest:

  • Create repo on GitHub (YES to Initialize this repository with a README)
  • Capture URL from the big green "Clone or download" button
  • Make a new RStudio Project with this URL
  • usethis::create_package(getwd()) (hmm ... maybe that should be less awkward?). Note: usethis is not on CRAN yet.

Sticking to CRAN packages does involve a bit more friction.

The "GitHub first" approach:

  • Create repo on GitHub (YES to Initialize this repository with a README)
  • Capture URL from the big green "Clone or download" button; new RStudio Project from that
  • devtools::setup()
  • Quit and Relaunch RStudio in this Project.

The "GitHub last" approach:

  • From a running RStudio instance: devtools::create("path/to/your/new/pkg").
  • Also from the existing RStudio instance: browseURL("path/to/your/new/pkg.Rproj") to launch a new instance of RStudio in the new pkg/Project.
  • In the new pkg/Project, devtools::use_github().